
Are You Dealing with Bunions?

Bunions can cause serious pain, and this common bone condition can be difficult to treat. Thankfully, you've got options. Dr. Jennifer Fung-Schwartz can work with you to understand your symptoms and recommend treatment for bunions in New York, NY, if necessary. Here, we'll take a look at how to know if you might have bunions, as well as steps that you can take to relieve foot pain. 

What are Bunions?

 A bunion is a bump that forms at the base of the joint of the big toe. Bunions tend to stick out on the inside of the foot, which can make it uncomfortable to wear certain shoes. You may find that the joint itself is painful, or that the skin that covers the joint becomes red and irritated due to rubbing against your socks or shoes. 

There are many potential causes for bunions, including genetics, obesity, wearing footwear that doesn't properly support your feet, having a previous injury, and pregnancy. If you have risk factors that can be mitigated, we'll work with you to develop a plan that will help reduce the progression of your bunions. 

Thankfully, there are treatment options available that can help you alleviate or eliminate bunion pain. 

Bunion Treatment Options

 Surgery is the only option to completely remove a bunion, but mild to moderate cases may respond to other types of treatment. When you come into the office, we'll evaluate your condition and determine the next steps that are most appropriate to relieve your pain. 

If we determine that surgery is not the best choice to move forward, we'll talk about other treatment options, such as using toe separators, that can help you get back to your normal activities. 

Bunion Treatment in New York, NY

 Dr. Fung-Schwartz is here to work with you and provide the bunion treatment that you need to get you back on your feet. We'd love to talk with you about how our team can help you get back to feeling your best. Reach out to our team today at 212-678-2333 to learn more and schedule an appointment.

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