
Hammertoe - Causes & When To See A Podiatrist

Hammertoe is the name given to the condition as when the toe is bent downward at the middle joint it can appear like a hammer in some cases. This deformity can be painful and can affect just about every toe, there are different factors that can make you more likely to develop the condition, but the biggest takeaway is that in most cases it is treatable. Treatment is important, especially early treatment to avoid complications, so if you're struggling with hammertoes you can reach out to your New York, NY, Podiatrist, Dr. Jennifer Fung-Schwartz.

Risk Factors

The flexed joint of the toe can lead to discomfort as you walk, can affect surrounding toes, sometimes leading to deformities, and may eventually result in your inability to wiggle or outstretch your affected toes.

Although family history can play a role, improperly fitting footwear is a leading cause of the condition. Often this is the case with shoes that are too tight or pointy and that force the toes into a position where the muscles inside can't stretch out, high heels are a common culprit.

Podiatrist Upper West Side, New York, NY

Your podiatrist will perform an examination which may include imaging tests to determine the best course of action. Mild cases may need only physical therapy, properly fitting shoes with a lot of room for your toes, and custom-made orthotics that provide the necessary support.

But if you struggle with moving your toe at all then your doctor may have to prescribe surgery to reposition the toe by treating affected bone and tendons. Although it's usually an outpatient procedure, which means you can go home after, your doctor will try to exhaust other treatment options first. It's why it's very important to seek early treatment for the condition.

If you are struggling with hammertoes and are seeking relief you can schedule a consultation with your New York, NY, podiatrist Dr. Fung-Schwartz by dialing (212) 678-2333.

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