
Signs & Symptoms of An Ankle Sprain

An ankle sprain is a very common type of injury, and although very painful, it's not often as serious as other possible outcomes, such as a fracture. A sprain can often be treated right at home following some simple steps. But it isn't always easy to determine if an injury is indeed a simple sprain, and even sprains are not always simple as many times these can cause problems in the future if they are not cared for correctly. So if you have suffered an ankle injury it's very important to visit your New York, NY, podiatrist, Dr. Jennifer Fung-Schwartz, for a proper examination and treatment.

Signs and Symptoms

An ankle sprain is an injury to the ligaments that surround and help connect your leg to your foot, the most common cause is a sudden twisting or rolling that forces the joint out of position.

This can damage tendons, cartilage, and blood vessels, all of which often results in swelling and pain.


As a first aid and early at-home treatment for a sprained ankle, you can depend on the RICE method, which stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation.

Rest is the most obvious one, for the first few days you'll need to avoid putting weight on the affected ankle as much as possible to let it heal. Applying ice or ice packs, along with compression and elevation can reduce inflammation and discomfort.

Podiatrist Upper West Side, New York, NY

For very mild sprains this could be all that your doctor suggests, but it's still a good idea to have the injury examined, and if your symptoms are severe, such as severe pain or swelling, or if your foot has developed a strange shape, then you should see a doctor right away.

Your New York, NY, podiatrist will help assess the severity of your injury and assign the appropriate treatment, so to schedule a visit with Dr. Fung-Schwartz you can dial (212) 678-2333.

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