
Why Should I See A Podiatrist?

Having access to a podiatrist is very important if you spend a lot of time on your feet or if you suffer from an underlying condition that makes foot problems more likely. A podiatrist is a doctor that specializes in treating, diagnosing, and often helping prevent issues related to the foot, ankle, and other structures. You can learn more by reaching out to your local New York, NY, podiatrist, Dr. Jennifer Fung-Schwartz.

Work and Sports

Foot injuries and chronic foot problems can be common in jobs that require a lot of walking, especially over hard flat surfaces, as is typically the case in warehouse settings.

Also, if you practice sports that involve running, or you just jog for your health, then having access to your New York, NY, a podiatrist can help you prevent and treat many of these issues.

Foot Conditions

Being on your feet for long periods, along with wearing improper footwear, can exacerbate underlying foot conditions, foot conditions such as low arches. Plantar fasciitis, hammertoes, and bunions, among others, are usually traced back to underlying problems. Your podiatrist can treat both the underlying and the effect, and can help you manage discomfort. Often, the treatment is custom orthotics, physical therapy, and surgery may be prescribed when other treatment options have been exhausted.


Beyond chronic foot problems, a condition that requires regular visits to a podiatrist is diabetes. Diabetes can make it difficult to notice if there is something wrong, as the disease can affect the nerves and their ability to communicate with your brain. What makes diabetes so dangerous is that it can also affect how quickly the body can heal from injuries, especially in the extremities. Having a podiatrist examine your feet and treat any foot problems as soon as they arise can be key to your overall health if you struggle with diabetes.

You can schedule a visit with your New York, NY, podiatrist, Dr. Fung-Schwartz, by dialing (212) 678-2333.

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9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


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