
Diabetes & Your Feet: What You Need To Know!

When you’re dealing with diabetes, there’s a lot that goes into your overall care. Something that can often be ignored is foot care. Diabetes can impact all parts of your body, but feet especially are important to take care of because untreated wounds and ulcers can lead to further complications and even lead to amputation. It’s important to work with your doctor in the Upper West Side in New York, NY, to create a plan for your foot care to make sure that your feet stay healthy, and that any wounds are treated as soon as possible to avoid infection and further complications.

Steps for Diabetic Foot Care

Diabetic foot care is so important because often, a loss of feeling can occur in patients with diabetes. When this happens, it’s harder to detect wounds or ulcers that have developed without specifically looking for them. This is why it’s so important to talk to your podiatrist and regularly visit for a full checkup.

In between checkups, it’s important that you’re taking your foot health into your own hands. You should inspect your feet daily, looking for any sores, blisters, or other issues that could lead to infection. You should also be careful to properly trim your toenails straight across, being sure not to nick your skin. If you’re worried about properly cutting your nails, you can visit your doctor for a trim.

If you do detect wounds or blisters, you should never hesitate to visit your doctor for care as soon as possible. On top of that, be sure to thoroughly clean your feet once a day and fully dry your feet after. After washing, be sure to apply lotion and be sure to wear clean socks and shoes to prevent against injury and fungus.

Contact Your Podiatrist Today

Take your foot health seriously! Contact Dr. Jennifer Fung-Schwartz in Upper West Side in New York, NY, at (212) 678-2333 to learn more about diabetic foot care and why it’s so important.

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