
Don't Ignore Heel Pain

How your podiatrist can help you get relief from heel pain

If you have heel pain, you may be tempted to ignore it, hoping it will go away. What if it doesn’t? Heel pain can linger, affecting your ability to stand, walk, and stay active. Your dermatologist can help you get relief from heel pain. Dr. Jennifer Fung-Schwartz in Upper West Side, New York, NY, provides a wide range of foot care services, including treatment of heel pain.

Let’s look at some of the common causes of heel pain and what you can do about them. Heel pain can be caused by:

Dry skin, resulting in cracked, painful heels. Remember to keep your feet moisturized, especially in summer when you are in open shoes. Use a thick, creamy moisturizer made for your feet.

Heel bruises, from stepping on hard, sharp objects. Always wear supportive, protective shoes, appropriate for the activity you are doing.

Bone spurs, are from muscle and ligament strain or excess calcium deposits. Bone spurs require the services of your podiatrist. X-rays may be necessary. Treatment includes extracorporeal shock wave treatment (ESWT) to break up deposits, or surgery, depending on the extent of bone involvement.

Plantar fasciitis, is caused by inflammation of the thick band of tissue on your heel. You are at increased risk of plantar fasciitis if you:

  • Overpronate or roll your feet when you walk
  • Walk or stand on hard surfaces for long periods of time
  • Carry excess weight, putting stress on your feet
  • Run, jog, or perform other activities which cause chronic foot stress

Plantar fasciitis is a condition that is best treated by your podiatrist. Common treatments to relieve plantar fasciitis include:

  • Custom orthotics, walking casts, or night splints
  • Cortisone injections into your heel
  • Physical therapy and arch stretches
  • Taping or cushioning your arches and heels

To learn more about the causes and treatment of heel pain, talk with an expert. Call Dr. Jennifer Fung-Schwartz in Upper West Side, New York, NY. You can reach her office by calling (212) 678-2333, so call now.

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