
The Dangers of Toenail Fungus

Could you be dealing with a fungal infection of the toenail? 

Fungus is all around us, lurking in places we might not even realize. While many people will deal with fungal infections at some point during their lifetime, you know just how unpleasant they can be if you have a fungal infection in your toenail. Our Upper West Side, New York, NY, podiatrist Dr. Jennifer Fung-Schwartz wants you to understand why treating a toenail fungus is crucial.

Why Do I Have a Toenail Fungal Infection?

The same fungus responsible for an athlete’s foot and jock itch can also infect toenails. Fungal infections can also spread to other areas of the body, and those infected can also infect others. Hence, it’s essential to ensure never to share towels, socks, or shoes with someone with a fungal infection (this is a common problem among households).

Fungi love warm, dark, and moist environments, so you can often find them living in areas like local swimming pools, gym locker rooms, and showers. This is why it’s crucial to wear shoes at all times, particularly in these environments. Anyone can develop fungal infections of the toenail, but it does tend to occur more regularly in older adults.

Why Is a Toenail Fungus a Cause for Concern?

Ignoring this infection is not an option, as the problem can spread and make things worse. An untreated fungal infection can cause the nail to turn thick, brittle, and yellow. If you have a fungal infection, you must turn to our foot doctor for treatment, especially if you have diabetes or nerve damage in your feet.

How Can I Treat Fungal Infections?

While some fungal infections may successfully be treated with over-the-counter or prescription-strength topical antifungal creams or gels, most of the time, this medication isn’t able to penetrate under or inside the nail to kill the fungus completely. This is why coming in for an evaluation is always a safe approach since we can provide you with an oral medication that can effectively kill the fungus.

Of course, some patients deal with persistent, severe fungal infections. If you deal with this regularly, you may want to consider laser fungal treatment. Unlike topical medications, the laser can safely and painlessly penetrate the nail to kill the fungus living in, under, and around the nail without harming the healthy nail or skin around it. Treatment is painless and is often successful after just one session.

Don’t let a fungal infection ruin the health of your feet. Let our Upper West Side, New York, NY, podiatrist Dr. Fung-Schwartz provide the care you need to ensure that your toenail fungus doesn’t get worse or cause permanent damage. Call (212) 678-2333 today.

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