
What Causes Hammertoes?

How your podiatrist in New York, NY, can help you get relief from hammertoes

Hammertoes can be painful, making it difficult to wear shoes, stand, and walk. They can also interfere with your ability to stay active. The good news is your podiatrist is an expert at treatment of hammertoes and can help you get relief. Dr. Jennifer Fung-Schwartz in Upper West Side, New York, NY, offers a wide range of foot and ankle services, including treatment of hammertoes.

A hammertoe gets its name because it resembles a hammer. A hammertoe is caused by an imbalance of tendons and ligaments, or by wearing narrow shoes which crush your toes together. When your toes are squeezed together, the middle toe joint turns inward. Your toe sticks out, and eventually the toe can’t be straightened, causing a hammertoe.

A hammertoe can develop on the second, third, or fourth toe. Women are more likely to develop hammertoes from wearing narrow shoes with pointed toes.

For mild hammertoe pain, you can try a few easy remedies at home to get relief. Remember to:

  • Wear more comfortable shoes with a wider toe box
  • Stretch each toe individually to reduce stiffness and maintain flexibility
  • Wear cushions or pads inside your shoes to support the hammertoe
  • Take over-the-counter anti-inflammatory and pain medication to reduce swelling and pain

For moderate to severe hammertoe pain, you should see your podiatrist, who may recommend these treatment options:

  • Toe splints to help realign your toe
  • Custom-fit orthotics to correct ligament and tendon imbalances
  • Custom-fit footwear to correct ligament and tendon imbalances
  • Surgical treatment to realign your toe and foot

You don’t have to suffer from painful hammertoes. Relief is just a phone call away. To find out more about the causes, signs, symptoms, and treatment of hammertoes, call Dr. Jennifer Fung-Schwartz in Upper West Side, New York, NY. You can reach her in the office by calling (212) 678-2333, so call now.

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