
How Diabetic Foot Care Can Improve Your Life

If you’ve recently been diagnosed with diabetes, there are many changes that you’ll have to make in order to improve your health. One area that needs to be focused on is your feet! You may not realize that foot care is a crucial part of caring for a diabetic person. There are steps that you should take each day to manage your feet and keep yourself healthy. Dr. Jennifer Fung-Schwartz in New York, NY, can help you understand diabetic foot care and why it’s important to maintain your health. 

How Diabetic Foot Care Can Improve Your Life 

If you’re dealing with diabetes, it’s important that you’re managing every aspect of it. This includes making sure that you’re taking care of your feet. Our podiatrist in New York, NY, can explain the importance of diabetic foot care to you and what it should consist of. 

Diabetic foot care is fairly simple and is just to make sure that there aren’t any issues going unnoticed. When you have diabetes, you will likely deal with a condition known as peripheral neuropathy. This causes your feet to be numb and you might not notice a cut or wound on your foot. It’s also hard for wounds to heal when you have diabetes, so treatment is needed immediately to ensure that infection doesn’t occur. 

To avoid infection, you need to take care of your feet. This means inspecting them daily for any cuts or wounds. You should also wash your feet with warm water and soap, ensuring that you pat the feet dry and moisturize daily. Be sure to cut your nails straight across to avoid infection. 

Contact Our Podiatrist Today 

Take care of your feet. Contact Dr. Fung-Schwartz in New York, NY, to learn more about diabetic foot care and how it can help keep you as healthy as possible. Call for more information and to schedule an appointment today at (212) 678-2333.

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